Monday, January 5, 2009

Coming to your mailbox

I have started sending out a new mailer to ring in the new year. Giving you the heads up so you can know what you will be seeing. The images are of Bono and Hillary Clinton (and if you couldn't tell who they were, then I am not doing a very good job, am I?) and are part of a series of Cultural Saints that society venerates. Look for Tiger Woods, Sean Hannity, and others along the way.

I like caricatures, it was the subject of my BFA project back in the day. Though the way I create them now is far different than the old pen and ink line drawings that were more appropriate for the opinion page in the newspapers. There is a certain energy to ink drawings that as an artist, you cannot get in any other medium I think.

In the mean time, I loved this series because it is so appropriate to the look and feel of my work and there is a certain tongue in cheek aspect of the illustration like this that makes it very ambiguous. One never knows if the artist actually likes the icon or is mocking them.

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